
Blog Archive

Monday, February 4, 2013

DO YOU WANT TO SEE PEOPLE ??? or keep the blinders on !!!

I think I am becoming more and more baffled with how people try to fit other people in a BOX ... There are so many people living different lives than the one we know --BOTH HERE AND AROUND THE WORLD ... We can't expect people to think we genuinely care about them and want to help if we PUT ALL OF OUR PRECONCEIVED notions on them ... Why would they trust us and think we care if we try to help them in a way that really only fits our mold or some list we have made ... What ever happened to just caring and loving a person so you could get to know them and then figure out how to best serve them ... You can't put a BAND AID on when the wound is gushing ... You have to understand w/ compassion where some one is coming from whether you understand it intellectually or not ... What is their past, what are their scars, and are you willing to love them through it ... When someone reveals to you a shocking past hurt - WHAT WILL YOU DO ???  Can you get down in the dirt w/ someone and walk them out ???  Are you willing to be sick emotionally and lose sleep to help someone find their way ???   We must find the inner truth that we are ALL CREATED BY GOD and he has made us family ...

If I have learned nothing over the past few years it is that I don't have to understand or experience another person's pain to help ... but I can't give them a patterned answer or solution either ---- WALKING IN THE DESERT W/ PEOPLE UNLIKE YOU WILL OPEN PLACES FOR JESUS TO SHOW HIMSELF - both to you and them !!!

Open you mind and heart to ALL the people God created ... Be the change for someone ... It doesn't take much to be an average christian ... TRY LIVING AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE FULL OF BLESSINGS W/ THE LORD - see all his people !!!

LOOKING DIFFERENT, SMELLING DIFFERENT, OR LIVING DIFFERENT doesn't really make them different ... We are all children of our sweet SAVIOR !!!  so go ahead and put yourself out there and GIVE YOUR LIFE AWAY !!!

1 kind words.:

Karen Twombly said...

Amen!! My fav word is this:
"Can you get down in the dirt w/ someone and walk them out ??? Are you willing to be sick emotionally and lose sleep to help someone find their way ??? We must find the inner truth that we are ALL CREATED BY GOD and he has made us family ..."
What God has taught me (the hard way through doing it WRONG at first!) is that I need to help others to be connected to Jesus! I need to pray with them and seek God with them through his Word. Then I can support them as HE speaks His Word to them. I don't need to tell them *what to do*. He does that.
Love this!! Thanks for writing. :)

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