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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Jeremiah's ceremony pics
“I, Scott Oatsvall, before God, commit myself to raise you Jeremiah Oatsvall, to be a man of God.
I promise to love you, impart God’s wisdom to you, spend time with you, have
fun with you, and be the strategic dad you need me to be. I promise to lead you, in action and in speech so help me God. Amen".
This was a amazing day. Here is part of what our manhood ceremony looked like. I chose 8 men of faith to write a letter to Jeremiah encouraging him to be the man God has called him to be. We all met at FRA and one by one each man walked with Jeremiah and called forth in him the great potential that God has placed in him. Once the last man had finished there walk with him,we all met back up in a big room where we all gave him our personal pledge to be a mentor and friend to him . I then gave him his plaque and gave him the definition of manhood. 3H- Hungry, Humble, Holy. I then read Ephesians 6:10-18 and gave him his sword. We then called him to be a part of our group and all gave him a blessing. This was one of the most powerful and fruitful days of my life.
Any dad who may be interested in this type of ceremony for their son, I will be glad to share the details with you. One last thought...DADS DO THIS FOR YOUR SON, IT WILL CHANGE THEIR LIFE!!!

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6 kind words.:
COOL! i'm pretty sure i know about a manhood ceremony, but could you elaborate, if you have time?
I would also love to hear what it entails!
I love this, Gwen! How special! We do some similar things, and this is really encouraging to read! Do you have anything specific that you do/will do for your girls?
Praising God for you guys and praying for Jeremiah's life today!
This jsut made me tear up. Scott, well done. Gwen, thanks for sharing! Praying for Jeremiah today, that this day will be something he carries with him forever, and that the Lord will build and encourage in him the things these men see in him and spoke over him. Cannot wait to see the man of God he grows up to be! Praying too this encourages fathers everywhere...we need more solid young men of God being encouraged and raised up to know and love Him, with mentors around them leading the way. Love y'all!!!! And happy late birthday Jeremiah!
This just made me tear up. Scott, well done. Gwen, thanks for sharing! Praying for Jeremiah today, that this day will be something he carries with him forever, and that the Lord will build and encourage in him the things these men see in him and spoke over him. Cannot wait to see the man of God he grows up to be! Praying too this encourages fathers everywhere...we need more solid young men of God being encouraged and raised up to know and love Him, with mentors around them leading the way. Love y'all!!!! And happy late birthday Jeremiah!
Gwen, I've been reading and praying for a while now.
I'd love to hear more details of the ceremony. Our oldest boy turns 13 this summer and we've been thinking about how we can make it special and memorable and meaningful.
Could you email me any more info (in your spare time...ha!).
In Christ,
kit dot standridge at gmail dot com