There are no words to describe this most amazing ceremony ... Emily and Tanner are perfect for each other ... God truly showed up on their wedding day ... They have such a mature love in the Lord and I know they will serve Him through out their entire marriage ... I was honored to be there and I am privilege to know them ... I have said this a 100 times, but Emily Chapman has changed our lives more than any other person ... She opened the door for the Oatsvall family to leave a legacy that will honor the Lord, she gave us a purpose and a mission ... We love you Emily and now we love Tanner too !!! May all God's blessings fall upon you ...

This is my friend Wendy and I ... Hot Mamas !!!!

Yolanda and I ... We have adopted each other as sisters ... We call ourselves the "CHAPVALL'S" .. that is Chapman and Oatsvall put together ... I love this woman ... She is always there for me !!!

This is the Wheeler family arriving home ... I love the airport homecomings ... Lindsey and sweet Eliana ... Sorry it isn't a great picture, but I had a few tears in my eyes .. Lindsey has been living in Guatamala since July parenting her sweet child till it became official ... I admire her strength ...

Below that bottle is Gracie Lou ... I do miss her so, but am so thankful to the Father that her precious mother has her in her arms and allowed me to love her for 48 hours ... It did change a small piece of my heart ...

The following two pictures contain some women in my life, who have shared some amazing experiences w/ me from 1st love (I married him), to prom, homecoming, slumber parties, cruising around McDonald's, Mexico, senior trips, church camp, sports, horrible teachers, small town fun, all the way to my wedding day, and even to China ... These 6 women stood w/ me the day I married the love of my life and for that they will forever be special to me ... We don't often get to spend time together, but when we do it is amazing ... We have changed a lot over the years, but nothing has changed the way we feel about each other ... SO ANGELA, SARAH, TIFF, BETH, JEANNIE, AND KRISTIE "I will forever be your friend and even more than that I am your sister in Christ." ... I LOVE YOU !!!

I have known Jeannie and Kristie since I was a child ... They have seen me through it all ... They are priceless to me ... I will never forget our moments together and how God has made us all so different, yet so like sisters !!!! I love you both more than words can say !!!!
29 kind words.:
What a beautiful set of pictures. You've had such an emotional journey these last several days. Thank you for sharing it all with your blogging family. You look stunning in all the pictures, sweetie!!
wow, i am the first to post on this one.. you should be proud that i am finally posting on your blog! so neat how years can change everyone, but relationships remain forever! love you girl!
WONDERFUL pictures...
Thanks for sharing such amazing women..
You are amazing..
Soooo beautiful inside and out..
Hugs girly..
Have a Great Week..
Thanks for posting. We will never know the Chapmans personally, but we want to rejoice with them. There are no words!
keep rockin!
Thanks for sharing the photos from Emily's wedding. She made an amazingly beautiful bride!! And you looked mighty fine yourself. ;-)
And that precious Eliana - a gift from God. What a beauty.
What a great post. Emily looked so beautiful. I am so happy for their family.
I am also so happy for the Wheelers that they are finally home together! It is very exciting!
Just precious!! I miss you so stinkin much. Need a Thelma and Louise fix big time.
Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing them with us. The joy on your face in all of them is evident! LOVE that new American in green!
Now you are getting like me with all the pics on your post. I love it! A picture is worth a thousand words you know. Great pic of Emily and hubby. She looked beautiful. You did look like hot mama in yours too.
I wonder how long it will be before Emily and Tanner adopt their first.
Great pictures - everyone of them. What great smiles and stories behind them.
Ummm...I have CLEARLY missed something...HOW do you know the Chapmans and know them so well as to go to this wedding? THIS is so fun to see pics of them!!! Please let me know or I'll just go crazy trying to figure it out! LOL! ; )
Oh how beautiful!!! All of these pics are just great! And Gwen, you are so beautiful. You just radiate with the love of Jesus! I love your dress. So pretty.
Emily is a beautiful bride. I always love coming hear to your blog. I just love your heart and wish you were my neighbor. :)
Love you,
So very beautiful! Emily and Tanner could not be more precious! ...and you're looking pretty amazing yourself! Awesome words and pictures! :)
What a fabulous post. I love the wedding picture. What a beautiful bride Emily is. I love that you are still so close to your childhood friends. And I love your love for children. You know, my husband and I were in Children's Ministry for almost 20 years, if you include our volunteer years. God has moved us in a different direction now, but we have a new vision, which still involves children....overseas.
Thanks for sharing all the pics, Gwen!....especially of the new bride and groom. Emily was BEAUTIFUL!
What beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing them with us and for stopping by this morning. Glad I could help you begin your day with a good chuckle. :-) Take care...
I am all caught up on your posts and life! WOW! You are amazing and thanks for sharing those great photos ! Sorry for the repeat in comments a few posts ago, I have no idea how that happened! I could be losing my mind so I am glad you shared about taking the wrong child to a birthday party! Us moms are in this crazy life together!
Such wonderful photos. I always love reading your posts and seeing how God is moving in and through your life. Hope you're having a great week.
Gwen what awesome photos, and i agree , you do look stunning too!!!!
For the short time that i have 'met' you, i too feel i can say...you are an amazing woman : )
What great pics...love them!! What an adorable couple!!! They look so young and so cute!! Your friends are adorable too...thanks for sharing, kj
What fabulous pictures and good times you're having!
OH Gwen...I have so much catching up to do here...I had the Chapmans on my mind all day Saturday...I am so glad God blessed them with such a precious day! I knew you'd be there....and I just couldn't wait to hear about it!!!
I am also in tears...reading about your sweet little angel baby that is staying with her mommy! Oh my! What a blessing your family was to this little baby...and to her birth mom...I know you will cover them both in prayer for all of their days!
SO happy for the Wheelers and the Bynums!!!
Love you sweet friend!!!
Wonderful pictures and memories!
Gwen - I just love these pictures...what a sweet relationship between you and Emily. God reached down and purposefully sent this lovely family to work for His glory with yours. It is beautiful, just beautiful.
Thanks so much for sharing your precious memories with us.
You are a magnificent woman of God inside and out.
Oh Gwen, those pictures are fabulous! I can only imagine how special Emily's wedding was - thank you for sharing a piece of it with us. The Chapman family has opened MANY of our hearts to the wonder of adoption - truly amazing people.
And i think the picture of the Wheeler family is great. Eliana is a dream come true - and her parents are inspirational people as well. Congrats to all of them!
I love the pics of you and your girlfriends...friendships like that are SO meaningful. I have a few like that too, and I'm so grateful.
Love you, miss you...got your text and can't wait to hear how it's going.
Oh Gwen, those pictures are fabulous! I can only imagine how special Emily's wedding was - thank you for sharing a piece of it with us. The Chapman family has opened MANY of our hearts to the wonder of adoption - truly amazing people.
And i think the picture of the Wheeler family is great. Eliana is a dream come true - and her parents are inspirational people as well. Congrats to all of them!
I love the pics of you and your girlfriends...friendships like that are SO meaningful. I have a few like that too, and I'm so grateful.
Love you, miss you...got your text and can't wait to hear how it's going.
How beautiful..... what a precious celebration.... she is just beautiful.