Blog Archive
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I Have Been TAGGED ...

Well a few of my blogging sisters have tagged me, so here it goes ... 7 Random Facts about me ...
1. I am currently obsessed w/ buying holiday gifts, birthday gifts, or appreciation gifts from families trying to adopt or t-shirts that support the starving children in Africa ...
Here is where my latest $5.00 is going ... Raffle (click and see this beautiful handmade afghan) ...Help this family bring home their son from Haiti ... I know we can all pitch in $5.00 ... The support we give each other really is priceless ...
2. If I could afford it I would go to COLD STONE ICE CREAMERY on a daily basis and get the FOUNDERS FAVORITE ... sweet cream ice cream, brownie, hot fudge, carmel, and heath bar all mixed to perfection ... can you taste it ???
3. I love love love to watch BIGGEST LOSER ... I want to be Jillian ... I would love to scream at people and get paid for it ... plus losing weight would be super fun ...
4. I am always sad when flip flop season ends ... I don't mind the new colder weather, but when I can' wear my flip flops I get a little sad ... BEST BRANDS .. Reefs, J Crew, and Rainbows
5. Katie (my new 19 year old angel) has really changed my daily life ... I love talking w/ her each day and planing on how we are going to change the world ... She reminds me that Christ didn't look at the world and give up, but He went to cross because we are worth it ... 143 million orphans around the world are worth it ... the nearly 45,000 dieing of starvation daily are worth it ... Thanks Katie for jumping into my life ... (Baptizing in the River ... feel the tears coming?)
6. Most days I do nothing more than brush my teeth, take a shower (this is an iffy one on some days) and put some lip gloss on, plus I keep my hair long so I can put it in a ponytail or a messy bun ... Not for fashion, but for function ... lol
7. I have chap stick hidden all over the house ... I have multiple ones in my purse ... I CAN'T STAND FOR MY LIPS TO BE DRY ... Favorite is BURTS BEE ...
ALLY KAT UPDATE ... Please continue to pray for this sweet angel ... She will have been w/ us 2 weeks tomorrow .... She may have a family by next week ...It is hard to describe loving on a sweet baby that currently only belongs to Jesus ... I am loving this new job Jesus has given me ...I think our family is learning a lot about the Father through this ...
I pray someone is loving on my A/J in Ethiopia just as much ... Hope you all have a fabulous week ...
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21 kind words.:
Just checkin' in on you...I love ya so much.
LOL! What wonderful facts you shared:)
Love and miss you!
This photo of Katie Baptizing the little children is so precious. The Holy Spirit is radiant in each and everyone of them!!
Thanks for sharing so much!!
Love your 7 random things...
Love ya girly..
THANK YOU, my dear sweet friend. for welcoming me into your beautifully chaotic life with open arms and for being such an example of Christ's love to all you encounter. i cherish each moment i spend with you and your sweet family. I LOVE YOU :)
Loved reading the fun facts and hearing from your heart! I am looking so forward to our "play date" tomorrow. Cannot wait to meet you, hold Ally Kat and absorb all that Katie has to share with us! Love & Blessings! Kim
love it girl!
Love the river baptism picture!
Number 2 sounds soooo yummy! And I love my flip flops, too!! : )
Praying for precious Ally Kat!
I love my Reefs....but I love my winter furry boots even more...I'm always cold (: See you in a few hours..I can't wait, kj
Oh what a fun and fabulous gal you are!!! Gosh I just wish we lived closer to each other in this great state!!!!
Love ya girl!!
Love your list. I'm trying to grow my hair back longer so I can put it in a pony tail! I can't stand not being able to do that.
I'm a flip flop girl too.
Is Ally Kat still crying as much as she had been? I hope not.
Gwen, I enjoy reading your blog! I am also obsessed with "shopping with a purpose". Would you mind sharing some of your recent purchases? Maybe we can help support!
jill :)
Gwen, I enjoy reading your blog! I am also obsessed with "shopping with a purpose". Would you mind sharing some of your recent purchases? Maybe we can help support!
jill :)
You are precious! It has blessed my heart to read your blog and see the love of Jesus all throughout.
I came across Katie's blog about a month ago (I'm new to the blog world:), she is such an amazing young woman! I love reading how God has used her to touch so many!
Katie is awesome! I was sharing with my 21 yo're rignt, she is an amazing young woman!
My current obsession is my baby son in HAITI! Thank you so much Gwen for being the hands and feet of Christ and helping us bring him home! Terry
Just here catching up on your blog........Gwen, you inspire me. Thank you for being His light.
Bless you.
I am so with ya on the lip balm front! I have tubes of Soft Lips in every nook! From my purse to my nightstand to my makeup drawer to my tote bag to my kitchen and beyond. I think it is a habit I developed while living in Northern Virginia (dryer climate)...and now, 23 years later and living in South Florida, I can't be without something on my lips! :-)
Gorgeous photo of some beautiful angels.
Keep loving that babe, I think your new job is priceless.
Hey girl, I know you have lots of extra time these days ;), so when you get a chance, head over to my place. I gave you an award.
How is Rhonda doing?
loved these answers! you are honestly so beautiful in every pic yoiu post you don't need anything but lipgloss.
I am reading a book right now... Heavenly Man about Brother Yun one of the leaders in the underground Chinese church, it is giving me such a hunger to do more for the KINDGDOM, so I understand how you are feeling...
oh I will be praying little Aly's family loves her and loves Jesus and that there hearts are knit together...
Just finished reading Katie's blog, thank you for the recommendation. I'd love to meet her. I'm going to be praying and talking to my husband about how we can help. Hope all is well with you and the kiddos, and your husband, of course! If you ever need a "long shower" break or just a minute to yourself, call me and I'll come watch the kids for you!