OK, I am about to give you a slight freak out moment ... I was at Elijah's football game yesterday morning by myself in a not so great part of town and I went into the bathroom and this note was posted on the mirror ... My hands starting shaking and I began looking in every bathroom stall, in trash cans, and searched the building, searched the outside of the building and finally reported it to the police when I just couldn't get peace ... This could very well be a prank by a teenager, but many people had gone in the bathroom before me and the note was not there ... I felt God tugging at me to do something, so I did ... I often think of the person, who found my sweet girls when they were left on door steps in China ... Was that person kind ?? Did that person give them a sweet hug ?? Did that person's heart jump out of their chest ?? Whatever that moment was like I feel like I just experienced it slightly ... I opened those bathroom doors expecting to see an infant swaddled in the corner, I opened the doors throughout the building expecting to hear a faint cry ... I looked in trash cans and rumbled around half expecting to see eyes starring up at me ... So many thoughts went through my head ... I just know that I am thankful for the person, who first picked up my girls when they were placed on those steps ....
I have prayed for whoever wrote this note ....
27 kind words.:
I have chills seeing this note. You did the right thing, Gwen. God help this child.
Oh Gwen!!!! We will be praying that you find whomever wrote that note too!!! Bless your heart...I am a Mom to two China angels and that is right where my heart went too!!!
That note breaks my heart...
I soo hope they find whoever that is..
Oh my goodness...I have goose bumps all over. I will pray for this person as well.
My sweet friend...I will prayer for you and the note's author.
WOW. This makes me think about God's timing, and how he puts people in just the right places for just the right purpose. Most other people would not have pursued this note as you did. Kudos to you for that. Praying w/you. Love ya.
I am sick.....please Lord...be with this child! I can only imagine what you felt....
I am speechless. Wow, that is amazing. This might just be a way that God is confirming to you that HE has two children in Ethiopia who need you. I love when God speaks to us through circumstances like this.
Like you, I often think of the person who found my daughter in China. I wonder what went through that person's mind that found her. I am just thankful that whoever it was, they got her to the orphanage safely and in good hands until we could come and get her. We will never know but God knows and that's all that matters. :)
I also have goose bumps right now. What a thing to find. I'm so glad you took the time too look around and notify the police so they can look as well. Please let us know if the author of the note is ever found. Wow, what an experience.
Oh girl! My heart is in pieces over this. Praying for this child, whether it is a teenage joke or a child in need of help. And praying that you'll feel peace in knowing that you did the right thing and the rest is up to God.
I KNOW GOD intended for YOU to find that note... for you to see that message. God is confirming in the natural what he has whispered to you in the spiritual.
Walk forward my friend... you have have a work to do in the Kingdom!
Wow... goose bumps is right!
Oh my word, my heart is still palpitating after reading this. You did the right thing. Praying for whoever wrote the note. Please let us know if you hear anything.
Praying for the author of the note, Gwen...I'm hoping it was just a teenaged girl ticked off at her mom for something silly. I would hate to think it's something more serious than that...but that's why we're praying, right?!
I can only imagine the terror you felt upon finding this...
Speechless - I have tears in my eyes! You did the right thing - I hope the child/person that wrote it is found!! Saying prayers for them...
That is crazy. I'll bet you were about to faint. Wow.
Hey G,
Thought I'd stop by this a.m. to see if there was an answer to your "note". I believe there is and I am so loving what Tina wrote!!! Amen to her response!!
Just sitting here smiling at all that lays ahead for your Team:)
Oh, praying for this child whether it it was a joke or not. I am so sorry you had to go through this but am glad you were the one to find it and did the right thing.
oh Gwen
my heart just stopped!!!!!
thinking of you, and praying for peace
Too much for a precious heart like yours! Oh my friend.
Love how you love all of the precious kiddos in the world in need of homes!
OH, My Gosh Gwen,
I have goosebumps... I cannot imagine what you must have been feeling.... what a sence of urgency! How thankful I am that you were so diligent! A lot of people would not have given the time to search.... a lot of people would not have even entertained the thought that an infant could be abandoned somewhere close.... oh, how our children have forever changed our hearts...
God's peace and I too will join you in prayer for this person if they are hurting...
I hope this child is safe...and if not, (s)he is found very soon and placed in the arms of someone who will protect him/her.
Wow!!! My mind instantly went to a sad teenager crying out for help!! They are unhappy with their life and in need of a change (or a new family)....I know God showed you this to remind you that adoption might have been in your past but is still in your future!!! Those Ethiopian treasures will never have to feel such pain as soon as your hands are on them...Such a neat experience, Kristi
OH my! I will be lifting this person/ child/ baby up to our Father...HE knows the need mentioned in this note...and HE knows your precious loving heart!
Bless you sweet friend...for the deep compassion you have for all!!!
You are a blessing!
I will be praying for the author of that note as well. I have goose bumps just reading and thinking about it. I hope you have peace that you did all you could. Blessings, rhea anne
Oh my goodness. Sweet friend I can't imagine how your heart felt. Mine would have been leaping for sure. Praying for whoever left that note.
Well, that certainly makes your eyes gaze at the Father. You are right, even if it was a prank or something, it was no accident that it was you who found it. I pray that the Lord draw you near as you contemplate the words and think of your sweet babes abandoned.
Oh my word Gwen,
That is unbelievable.