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Monday, September 22, 2008
And It Fell From The Sky ...
I am not even sure where to start this story ... We get to the Titan's game yesterday and the luxury sky box we were in was amazing ... The view of the game was very picturesque and the food amazing ... We were on the 50 yard line and the sun was shining ... Can you see the dream of the moment we were in ??? Come to find out the Mayernick's (family we went w/) told a little fib ... They did not win the luxury box at work, but the Fisher family had ask them if we could all come to the game on Sunday ...Little did we know an amazing gift awaited us ... ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ... They gave us a check for $5000 for Maggie's surgery!!! Did you hear me?? My heart almost pounded out of my chest and I began to weep, Scott was just standing there going, "I don't believe this, I don't believe this." I began to thank the Father immediately for people like the Fisher family who come along side of us to help lift the financial burdens we are going to face w/ all the surgeries ... It was so surreal ... The day was a perfect FAMILY DAY!!!! I just keep looking at Maggie thankful that she is home and will receive the best treatment there is ... She will be physically whole one day !!!
BACK STORY ... My husband taught a very special girl at CPA named Tara Fisher ... Her heart reminded us so much of Emily Chapman that we wanted to give Maggie her name as a tribute to another young woman, who has a heart for the orphans of the world ...This family was very instrumental in helping us financially bring Maggie home also ... So Miss Maggie Tara Chang Oatsvall has a special heritage to her name (Just like Emily) ... I am not sure words will ever be enough, but our hearts were over joyed and honored to know such a giving and kind family ...
Tara, Scott, and Emily ... amazing young godly women !!!! I am proud my girls are named after them ...
Tara and Maggie ... A priceless picture ...
Mike, Suzanne, and kids ... Thank You, We love you, and Praises to the Father for putting our families together ... You have walked a very whirly journey w/ us and you have not waivered in your kindness or love for our family ... We look forward to many years of friendship, laughter, tears, and kingdom work !!!!
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47 kind words.:
Gwen you are such an amazing lady and giving in every sense.. you sooo deserve everything that is given to you .. it is give with the utmost LOVE.. you are AMAZING..
I am crying writing this comment... Hope I spell correctly...
Love you girly with all my heart..
I sooo hope to meet you one day.
Love the photos...
I love seeing the pics of all the beautiful children, looks like you had a great time, and what a wonderful gift for Maggie!!
Ok, I am in tears. Thank you Father for your faithful provision.
What a testimony! What a precious gift.
Only our Heavenly Father could orchestrate all of these details, connections and relationships that would come together so perfectly to ensure His will is done. He is so faithful and I sing praises for His perfect provision!
I'm so happy for you, Gwen. My husband and I read through your post this evening together and we were both moved. After going through Josie's open-heart surgery, we understand just how amazing these gifts can be. Praise God for these wonderful people in your life.
Oh, Gwen, I'm so happy for you!! I was going to comment about how I loved the photos of your two beautiful families at the game, and the one of Maggie with her future husband, but then I just started crying when I read about the Fisher's gift. The tears are flowing for you, my friend. Big, happy tears. I am joining you in praising God for bringing you all together and blessing you with this amazing gift. Hallelujah!!
He has gone before you...
He has prepared the way...
He has made provision...
Oh, praise HIM!
What a wonderful thing. It is so cool to see how God works in ALL things. He takes care of EVERY big & little detail. Thanks for sharing, and reminding us.
Don't know if you saw me but i was crying when you opened the envelope. Knew God had a plan for you and each day gives us all surprises leading us closer to him.
Just read your sweet reply comments on my blog. It was the Kemps journey that inspired me to join the adoption blogging world. I would love to connect and have been deeply moved by your story. As adoptive mothers, we share a unique bond. I have tried to document our amazing adoption journey and God's faithfulness in my first three posts (The Call, The Wait, and The Rescue). Feel free to email me at
Oh Gwen, that is soooo sooo sooo wonderful! I am so happy that God continues (and WILL continue) to bless your family in every way. You are such a wonderful example to us all - such a beautiful reminder of what we are all here for.
Much love to you - and your beautiful, amazing, GROWING family.
You have got to be kidding me??? What a absolute treasure. I have tears falling from my eyes. Your girls (and your boys) are such divine blessings and were created to be your children.
Isn't it amazing how God puts such special people in our lives???
I am in awe!
And yes, I would have to say you had the better day, my friend : )
wow!!! How amazing!!!! I'm so happy for you guys and for Maggie!! You are a very deserving family that has stayed faithful to the Lord and to his calling...and God always blesses those that answers the call from Him!! I can't wait to see the girls tomorrow!!! kristi
As I look at all of the pictures in your post....I see so much love. When I read the story of these amazingly special people in your life...I am just so touched!!
What a beautiful post of love, friendship and His almighty love and plans for us!!
Amazingly, beautiful post. Our God is beyond great.
Thanks for sharing your heart!
What an awesome day!!! And isn't it so refreshing to know that there are still good things that happen in this world! So many times all we hear and read about in the news are all the bad things happening all around us. What a blessing to read about the good day you guys had. Don't know if I've told you before or not, but Mike & Suzanne were in the same newlywed class at Two Rivers that we were in back a long time ago! They probably don't remember us, but I remember them. It's so good to see that you have such good friends right there with you every step of the way.
Simply amazing, but not surprising....we have an Awesome Lord and Savior! ;)
Hugs girl....we miss you and are so hoping for a Fall visit. Hopefuly once volleyball is done! ;)
Okay,, if you could just hand me a kleenex through this computer screen to stop the flood of tears then all would be really good:)!!!
See, G, both you and I have come to understand God was with our children way, way before He Handed them onto us and He continues to walk right along with us!!!
Praising God this morning for His Love, for sweet Maggie, and for sweet Maggie's loving family and friends!!
Kleenex please!!!
Thank You Jesus!
Oh, Gwen, when I got your email I was rushing to your blog.... I think I held my breath the entire time while I waited for my stinkin' computer that runs soooooo slow to open up! Then I had to read the captions of coarse for each pic because they were so precious. lol then I got to the heart of your email.......... tears in my eyes and goose bumps! Oh, how this makes my heart smile. I am so thankful! What a beautiful family who understands what IT is truly about! Good for them... and I love that they allowed the Lord to work through them.... see, those prayers for Maggie's surgery are already being answered.... no worries! God is on the throne!
I'm thinking Maggie's name ties her even deeper to her Mama too!
I love you, and yes my dear sister in Christ Jesus.... "God Can Do It!"
God's Speed,
What a wonderful blessing and an amazing story - your journey keeps getting better!
That is so awesome Gwen. What a blessing for sweet Maggie. Love the the photos of you and your family. Looks like you have had a fabulous time.
Unbelievable!! I have tears in my eyes. God is so good....and so are the Fishers. What a blessing and yet another sign. How many did Scott ask for?
Absolutely Awesome!!! It is so neat to see how God ALWAYS provides for ALL of our needs. I would also have to say, the way he chose to provide for this particular need was WAAAYYY COOL!!
Praying for sweet Maggie!!
AMAZING! We serve an absolutely AMAZING GOD! My heart is pounding extra happy today for you and that sweet family of yours!
What a story that precious Maggie of yours will tell!
Much love to you!
"I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul." Jeremiah 32:41
Just thinking about what a blessing it must have been for them to be able to bestow an amazing gift on such an incredible family. What a treasure precious Maggie is...such a reflection on His unfailing love!
amazing story,
love love love you sharing with us!
God is so good to us. I know that Maggie will draw near the Lord one day when she learns of the Father's kindness to her. What joy for your family! I am telling everyone I know!
What an amazing gift!! God is good!
Praise God. We certainly do serve an amazing faithful Father.
Oh Gwen...what a truly wonderful & beautiful gift!!! You just never know when we pray for that prayer will be answered. my mom is always telling..."God doesn't close a door unless he opens a window." (and how true that is)
Looks like you guys had an amazing time at the game....isn't it just great getting together with family friends!
What a blessing ~
Oh wow Gwen! What an amazing Sunday your family had!!! What a thoughtful gift from your sweet friends....and Miss Maggie will be so blessed by their generosity! OH what great gifts the Father gives....through HIS children!
Thank you for sharing your very special day!
God is SO good - He just never leaves us hanging, does He!?!? What a story -
God is so Good & so Amazing!!! What a wonderful gift & the pictures are so beautiful of your families. You really are a remarkable lady & is so deserving of everything that is given to you.
Oh my....this post ( really its a beautiful short story ) gave me goosebumps. It reaffirms for us all the true giving nature and generous spirit folks embody.
The photos of your family are stunning; I'm so happy your sweet little girl will get the medical care she needs.
I literally got goosebumps reading this post. I love miracles! What a blessing and a fun day to boot!
Oh Gwen...that is so awesome! I love to see God work! Every time I come to your blog, I see God working and moving in your life. Thank you for being that example that so many of us need every day. I have a feeling if we lived closer, we would be great friends. :)
i need to shave my legs again because i just have such huge chill bumps!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love my two fav families sooo much. mmmmmmm.
hes always so so so good!
Hi Gwen - God is so faithful, so good and so amazing!!!
I could not be more thrilled for your family... the check, the day, the box, the company - all perfect and I know your obedience and faithfulness to Him will be returned one hundred fold!! I needed this post today, the promise, His presence, your obedience, all of it. I walk with Him better because of you.
Hallelujah! I love to see the ways God takes care of and provides for His children! Beautiful!
What a beautiful post Gwen. God is so good! What a gift you've all been given. I love to follow your blog and family.
I just read the story and my heart went up in my throat...what an amazing, Godly gift. God Bless the Fisher Family.
What an amazing God we serve!
This is such a heart warming story, the love of others, it brings tears of joy.
What I blessing this family is. Not only to you, your family but to all of us who were able to read of their gracious heart. Beautiful!
Have a blessed weekend,
So happy to see God blessing your family in special ways! Great photo's!
How Awesome! God is so big!
So great to follow your journey.
I love to see what you guys are up to, and what God is doing in yrou lives.
You asked on our blog about our company Water4Water and it is not in Nashville...yet! We just created the company about 3-4 months ago and are selling it locally in our area (southeast Missouri).We are hoping to see it spread like wildfire, but also feel really good about just getting it started and seeing what God will do with it!
I will keep you posted as it grows.
Can't wait to follow your family's journey!
God's love show's in so many ways..and here, we see it again :) So happy for you all!!!
Gwen...everyone has already said everything I would have thought to say....God's ways are so much higher than ours and He is SOOO faithful! Praising Him for how He is providing for your family and for precious Maggie!
Hey lady - ya know what? I did read this post and I remember now that I was just so moved with happy tears that I walked down the hall to tell a co-worker the wonderful news and I totally forgot to comment. I think this is just a wonderful blessing that only God could orchestrate. Little Maggie deserves this and soo much more...I know this little girl has a huge destiny for Christ! She has already touched the lives of so many!! Thank you again for letting us, your readers, in on these precious details!!