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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Summer Pictures and Summer Update....
What have we done all summer ?? Scott has worked 3 jobs, ran 2 camps, Elijah was on a swim team for 6 weeks, Jeremiah played 2 games a week and practiced, Maggie and Emily have destroyed the house on a daily basis, we played w/ many friends both old and new, Emily turned 4, we are preparing for Maggie's 3rd birthday party (her 1st party EVER ... Daleea - your tutu should be a hit), I have been working on THE BOOK, and have become an email encourager to some sweet new friends as they journey adoption, and all in all we have grown closer to the Lord during some trying moments ...BIG NEWS OF THE DAY - My van went to Honda Heaven ... This could not have been a worse time, but after a few very stressful days Scott (with the help of the Lord) negotiated an amazing deal on a 2003 TAHOE (that seats 8) ... Did you hear me ??? It seats 8 ... Not 7 like the van, but EIGHT (Joseph and Abagail ... Mommy knows exactly where you will sit when you come home from Ethiopia) .... Take a look at some fun pictures of our summer and as always thanks for going along on the ride w/ the OATSVALL TEAM ...
Jeremiah got the privilege to travel w/ a team from Georgia to play in the 9 and under National Basketball Tournament in Kentucky ... I hated to miss it, but we just couldn't all travel ... Scott called me w/ play by play of each game ... They made it all the way to the championship game and lost by 8 ... According to my hubby (who doesn't give compliments easily), he said Jeremiah played so well some games he could have sold SNEAKERS ... I am very proud of how Jeremiah is using the talents that God has given him ... He strives to honor the 3 H's we teach ... HUNGRY (for the game and competition), HUMBLE (because all talents come from the Lord), AND HOLY (we are always representing Christ) ...

Rainy day hair styling and modeling ... America's Next Top Model .. Watch out .. These 2 ROCK!

BLOGGERS IN TRAINING ... It may take sometime, but they are close to contacting the BLOG FAIRY ...

Just a couple of pictures from a few of our famous spend the night parties at Casa De Oatsvall ... We are definitely the party house ... Movies, Swimming, Xbox, Basketball, Hide and Seek in the house, and more food than I can afford

THESE ARE YOUR TWO FINALIST FOR GABRIELA IN "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3" !! Can you hear them ... "Soaring, Flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach, if we're trying and we're breakin free..." !

Elijah competed for the first time on a swim team this summer ... He finished 9th in the county in the freestyle and his relay team came in 1st ... This was quite a commitment. We had to be there at 8:30 every morning for 6 weeks ... I enjoyed seeing his smile at end of each meet !!! He brings great JOY to our life ... Now he is a red head, so I will leave it up to your imagination all the trouble he can get into .. lol

A fun night w/ Emily and Tanner ... Hanging out w/ this amazing couple makes us feel young ...
WELL THAT IS ALL FOR NOW ... Have a blessed week ...
Jeremiah got the privilege to travel w/ a team from Georgia to play in the 9 and under National Basketball Tournament in Kentucky ... I hated to miss it, but we just couldn't all travel ... Scott called me w/ play by play of each game ... They made it all the way to the championship game and lost by 8 ... According to my hubby (who doesn't give compliments easily), he said Jeremiah played so well some games he could have sold SNEAKERS ... I am very proud of how Jeremiah is using the talents that God has given him ... He strives to honor the 3 H's we teach ... HUNGRY (for the game and competition), HUMBLE (because all talents come from the Lord), AND HOLY (we are always representing Christ) ...
Rainy day hair styling and modeling ... America's Next Top Model .. Watch out .. These 2 ROCK!
BLOGGERS IN TRAINING ... It may take sometime, but they are close to contacting the BLOG FAIRY ...
Just a couple of pictures from a few of our famous spend the night parties at Casa De Oatsvall ... We are definitely the party house ... Movies, Swimming, Xbox, Basketball, Hide and Seek in the house, and more food than I can afford
THESE ARE YOUR TWO FINALIST FOR GABRIELA IN "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3" !! Can you hear them ... "Soaring, Flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach, if we're trying and we're breakin free..." !
Elijah competed for the first time on a swim team this summer ... He finished 9th in the county in the freestyle and his relay team came in 1st ... This was quite a commitment. We had to be there at 8:30 every morning for 6 weeks ... I enjoyed seeing his smile at end of each meet !!! He brings great JOY to our life ... Now he is a red head, so I will leave it up to your imagination all the trouble he can get into .. lol
A fun night w/ Emily and Tanner ... Hanging out w/ this amazing couple makes us feel young ...
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30 kind words.:
What a busy action-packed summer you've had. I seriously don't know how you keep all your energy up. I'm exhausted just reading through all your family's activities.
I think your blogging friends need to see a picture of your new Mommy Mobile. Have a great week, Gwen.
SUMMER....SUMMER...SUMMER!!Okay, well that is all I can remember from High School Musical....looks like you are having an amazing summer...Missy Maggie's very first summer!! LOVE IT!!!
Maggie looks like she has become an Oatsvall Team member!! SHE LOOKS WONDERFUL!!! God is so very, very GOOD!!!
Hugs to the team,
I am just so jazzed and thankful about your "Cool" 8 seater Tahoe!
What a fun, action packed summer.... I know you are a proud mama.
I just love you and your precious family..... what a blessing you are!
Love all the summer pics, you are one busy mommy!!! Can't wait to have my two girls running through the house together!!!
oh I am sure your house is the funnest place to be! love seeing the pics of your summer fun.
The negotiating stuff can be stressful, sounds like a wonderful deal though:)
Gwen - I had to keep taking deep breaths because I was reading it as fast as you were typing it:)
Congratulations on the Tahoe!! God sends us signs in the funkiest ways sometimes!!
We are doing our own share of "Soarin' and flyin'" this summer. Both Em (our riled up red-head:) and Hannah (our spicy Jiangxi girl) think they are headed straight for high school musical.
Have a great rest of your summer - I cannot believe how quickly it is flying by!
Have a blessed week, girlie.
LOVE all the pictures...
Sounds like an amazing summer...
CONGRATS to the boys.. They are amazing...
The girls are soooo darling..
Have a Great Week..
HUGS to you crazy lady...
I am still on board and will stay there...
Love ya girly...
Thanks for dropping by... seems you certainly have had an action packed summer... take care
UGH....I am still hoping for a visit in August....things are crazy here as well.....we miss you tons....Emmie just out of the blue yesterday said...."I miss Gwen".....I'm like , I know baby, so do I! ;)
Glad the kids are doing well.....but there is never any doubt there! ;)
Hugs girly.....oh yes....I know I owe you an update on some scoopage.....I'll try to remember to do that later today....sending in all my info today to our SW for the new COP's hoping! ;)
Hugs and smooches....
Great pictures! Looks like you have had a fun summer!
I love all of the photos and the updates! It sounds like you are having a fantastic summer.
What wonderful summer pictures!
Way to go Jeremiah - I heard you rocked!
Elijah - congrats on placing!
Girls - keep on singing!
Love ya all!
GWEN!!! I just saw MY babies in your pool...Ronnie C. and Thomas!!! I had those sweet boys in my class as second graders(back when I taught 2nd, now I teach 1st) . I LOVE THOSE BOYS!!! Your post has just brightened my day and made me excited about going back to a new school year (I had been dreading it). Girl, you rock!
We must live awfully close...I live in H,ville.
Whew...your summer is full of fun fun fun!!! Love these great pics!!!
Enjoy the rest of the summer days!!!!
Love ya bunches!!!
So great! I get chills thinking about Abigail and Joseph in that car, just goosebumps all over!
You encourage me to no end sister.
You are now my mentor. Haha! When we get back from China, I hope to be half as fun as you are. What a great summer you are having.
Your are humbly amazing
Hi Gwen. You family is truly beautiful and you are so blessed!!! I have stopped by before, but never left a comment but now I have you booked marked and will be stopping by more often ;) It so looks like you guys are having a ton of fun...and a very busy summer!!!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and sending us your congrats and best wishes. Our referral came as a total surprise to us and we are so unprepared for the whole thing (especially in the $ area seems like everything has hit us at once since the end of May when my mother-in-law passed away). I just hope the raffle goes well and can help us out a little with our travel expenses. So looking forward to keeping up with your family!
Looks like fun stuff. I can't believe summer is almost over!
How awesome is God--going ahead and making room in your car for Abigail and Joseph!?! Love those 3 H's!!!
Well, at least you haven't been too busy! haha
Loved this was so much fun! *just like you!
I adore the pic of all the kiddos around the pool (and the fact that Maggie is just snuggling up next to her big sis)...too cute!
Congrats on your new vehicle! how wonderful that your Ethiopian treasures have seats saved for them!
P.S. Got your card in the mail. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Love you!!!!
I just love the picture of your 2 girls singing into the microphones!
Congratulations to your boys on all of their recent must be oh, so proud of them!
I am glad you are all enjoying your summer....keep enjoying!!!
You have and a busy summer. I'm sure the kiddos are loving it though.
Looks like you've had a super busy, but also super fun summer at Party Central. The girls look adorable singing karaoke and way to go, Jeremiah and Elijah! That's awesome your new ride has room for Joseph & Abagail. God is so good!
I love to hear of you busy summer!!! God is working - I love to hear about that too - He just keeps providing - He is SO good!!
I just love your post. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful summer full of lots of things to keep you busy. What a talented family you have on your hands.
First of the 3 H's!! Awesome!! Love the Tahoe..I drove one before I got the Suburban...and love all the cute action packed pics!! We have so much in common...we stay on the go and never sleep, ha!!
Hope to get together again soon, kj
Have I ever told you how much I love you :o) Oh & your family is such an inspiration. So thankful to call you friend.
What is the deal? My suburban just went to suburban heaven. We are working on bringing her back to life with a new transmission. Of all the months we did not need this. I hate the devil.
HEY the tahoe looks great!!!
Sounds like the Oatsvall team is having a great summer! Love the pictures!
Thanks especially for the picture of Emily and Tanner. I cannot tell you how often I stop what I am doing to pray for the Chapman family as they are on my mind throughout each day. Its's good to see a picture of hope.