Blog Archive
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Lots To Report

To start with GOD ROCKS !!!! He is amazingly provided for all my needs as I journey this path ... He has blessed me so richly and I am proud to be the mother to my 4 kids and wife to one amazing guy !!!!
This is a picture of Miss Maggie after her daily massage of oil/lotion ... She is quite the hoot .. Don't even think of taking her clothes off till you show her the lotion... She takes naps with her shoes on and won't take them off unless I show her the lotion (Spoiled already and loving it ).. I would love for everyone to start praying for our travel ... She will be in a fabulous mood, laughing and playing, but when we change scenery of any sort she gets very agitated and cries for about 5 minutes ... She cries when we leave the room, she cries when we come back to the room, she cries when we go to the restaurant to eat, but never cries when we go outside .... She loves outside !!! THATS MY GIRL !!! ... So pray the plane ride next week will go well and our flight home ..
Last night she was constantly calling me Mama ... I am just so amazed and excited ..She now doesn't want me to leave her site ... Should have seen us both in a tiny bathroom at the restaurant ... Very comical (did I mention she screamed the whole time) HILARIOUS .. I am sure the other patrons where thinking, "Poor 1st time Mom and in China so clueless" .... Then putting her in the sling also an adventure (my arms and back are toast) ... She is always fine once settled, but the actions and change really freak her out for the moment ...
We sleep from 8pm to 2 pm and my eyes became wide awake ... Mags is still sleeping, but wanted to ask everyone to also pray for my friend Suzanne. Got call yesterday about their domestic adoption and flew out this morning (your time) to get baby ... The baby is being born today ... Now the plan was for Suzanne to take care of my kids while I was a way and then I would take care of hers when her call came. SORRY GOD FOR TRYING TO PLAN FOR YOU !!! lol .... I am at peace with my kids .. I know I have friends and family who will step up to help .... I pray for God's hands on this Birth Mother during this time ....I pray Mike and Suzanne will be the hands and feet of Jesus!!!
I am off to try and sleep some more .. We are visiting the Embroidery Factory today ...P.S. Pingjiang group- No signs of Mr. Happy - Vicki says he still works here, so I will get a picture when I see him ...
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21 kind words.:
Sounds like you guys are bonding...hope you guys have an uneventful plane ride - maybe you should give her something to help her rest and relax. Love ya!
How funny about the lotion. Do you do that for the other kids? You have definitely started something. Too cute.
What a beauty!! Glad things continue to go well. Sorry about the worry of travel...I know she will be fine. YAY for Suzanne!!!
I have been stalking your blog for an update. So glad to hear things are going better. Look at her smile! ;)
Love and hugs my friend....
I still can't get over the visable change in her. Just amazing! Thank you for letting us know specific prayer needs. Will be praying!
I love your spirit and the fact that you always give God the glory! Even though it ALWAYS belongs to Him so often many of us forget that.
How comforting to know that your ENTIRE family is in His hands.... there is no better place to be!
God's Peace
Oh, and have I told you how radient and beautiful your precious daughter is?!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, God certainly does ROCK...and so do you, by the way!
Glad you are handling the ups and downs like a champ, just like I knew you would.
Love that sweetie's smile...keep spoiling her - she has waited a long time for you!!!!
(Praying all goes well with your travels, and your friends' adoption too)
Great to get an update! Have a little sticky on my desk as a reminder to pray. Also, lifted you guys up in our small group lastnight! Now praying for easier transitions as you have to go home!
I just love that picture of her. She looks so happy. It sounds like things are really going well. Her whole world is changing, so her crying when going from one place to the next isn't surprising to me. I love how she is clinging to her Mama. She knows that wherever she is, as long as you are there it's going to be ok.
I will continue to pray for you.
I just can't stop staring at her beauty. She is SO beautiful I see a beuatiful spirit as well as outward physical beauty. Her eyes show a lovely soul deep with in that has needed your love and felt your love from afar.
Love her sweet smile. She is so adorable. Well be praying for a smooth flight home.
LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!! She is precious. Here's one tip: Keep her awake the whole night before the trip home. (Mia did that against my will, but slept the entire way home!) Are you going through Guangzhou? We'll be praying you through!
Oh yeah, the combover looks great!!
Can you believe God's great sense of humor- I sure hope the good fortune of adoption keeps coming and we get a referral soon! So selfish, I know:)
I'm loving the updates, the sweet pics of Maggie and words from a mother's heart.
Just saw a picture of Suzannes baby-- oh my! Beautiful!!
Love you!!!
Words of sheer joy....MAMA!! Gwen I am overjoyed that Maggie is opening her heart any way she can. Praying for a smoothe transition as I am thinking you are leaving for Guangzhou soon to meet up with the Shockleys. And to hear that God is blessing your friend Suzanne with a new child as well.
Lean on the Father; He's always waiting for you and Maggie is feeling your love. Keeping you all close in prayer and thought!
Maggie is beautiful...
I watch your blog when I get up and before work and when I get home and before bed...
She is amazing.. glad she is soooo in LOVE with MOMMY..
She will be fine on the ride home..
HUGS to you both...
Things sound great - and hey, we remember screaming - seemed normal at the time!!!! We'll pray for your flight home. Praying also for the kids at home - God works all that out, doesn't He?!?! Love you!!!
Daniel and I prayed for you as we were going to bed last night. We prayed that Maggie would know you are there to love her and keep her safe.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with the kids here in Nashy - I'm not that busy over the next week or so. :)
Found your site through your friend Laura - congratulations on your beautiful little girl. When we adopted our Lia, people told us you could see the change through the pictures. And now I see it in your daughter, the magical and wonderous change as she begins to know you not as a stranger, but as her Mama. Blessings to you all!
I'm so glad things are beginning to fall into place and that picture of Maggie is absolutely precious...
love lots,
I'm so glad things are beginning to fall into place and that picture of Maggie is absolutely precious...
love lots,
Sweet Maggie!! So good to see her smile. :) Keep a good supply of lotion on hand. Massages were my Anna's treasured times, too! Can't spoil them with lots of Love...she's waited her whole life time for her Momma!! Enjoy! Can't wait till you're home with your family.