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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Keep the Prayers Coming !!!

Before everyone asks ... yes she has a black eye, burn on face and many other bruises. I have no answers, but I am trusting the Lord will take care of who ever or whatever allowed this to happen in His timing !!!!
I have never felt so drained and so full at the same time. We had an ok start to the day and went to the Civil Affairs Blg. (yes, Pingjiang group .. it was our room ..lots of emotions there)to finalize paperwork and I ask my SW to make sure the orphanage workers weren't in her sight ...She ask them, but they keep popping their heads in and Maggie went crazy crying and screaming. We got on the bus and she fell asleep. When we got back to the room we web cam with the family. Scott was talking to her and she smiled and since that moment she has laughed, smiled and called me Mama. It has been an incredible afternoon...She has even pointed to her diaper and I took her to potty three times (amazing) ...She has not stopped playing with her Dora backpack. She keeps loading and unloading it .... She has completely changed before my eyes in a matter of hours. This is the power of prayer (from all of you) and our Mighty Father !!! Please keep the prayers coming.
This is Kristie and I before getting Maggie ...I have known Kristie since I was six years old ... She came to the hospital when Jeremiah was born and gave me a foot massage and last night she gave my aching back a massage ... She is one in a million and such a blessing my life ...

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34 kind words.:
Gwen, my heart aches for all that she has been through and you probably do not know. You all are still in my prayers. She is a beautiful little girl. What orphanage was she from? It is great knowing that our Father is the avenger so we do not have to do anything. Although as mothers we want to go beat up the people that hurt our little ones.
I am so happy for you..
I have tears in my eyes...
Who knows what little Maggie has gone through ,,,but now she has her MOMMY & DADDY to hold her and all the love from her family and friends...
She will be just fine...
Hope today goes well..
Glad she is smiling and calling out the most amazing lady...
Hugs to you and Maggie..
The opening paragraph pushed me over the edge into tears.......I could see her face in the other pictures and knew something had happened.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for placing this child with the Oatsvall family. Thank you that Maggie no longer has to wonder what love is. Lord, I ask that you have you hand upon this child and that she will understand that she is loved by her Forever Family and that she will always, always be safe. Amen.
Gwen, I am thinking of you you! S*
I don't know how anyone could hurt this adorable child - any child for that matter! I know God will soon heal her; outside and in. The good thing is that she's still very young and will have no memory of the orphanage. I can't believe she's adapted so well already. What a blessing.
Gwen, you all are in my prayers! My first husband had brain surgery. The bruising was odd and somewhat spuratic. Some of the anti-seizure meds cause bruisiing as well. For instance, when he needed help getting up from a seated position, if I touched his arm too tightly, it would look as if he'd been beaten. Don't know if this is the case with your little princess, but it seems possible. My new hubby and I are trying to relocate to Crossville, TN where my whole family lives. Praying it the rest of the way!
This is all an answer to the many prayers and it is amazing to see everything coming together...
hugs and kisses to you both!
Funny I just finished praying for you before I opened the blogs... Your post made me cry. I am so glad Maggie is safe with you and God has blessed her already with joy in the transition. May He continue to melt your hearts together.
Any sign of Mr. Happy? lol
God knows exactly what he is doing, and it shows in you & your family. Sending up prayers for you.
Love Ya
Dear Gwen,
I was so touched by seeing these sweet pictures of Maggie this morning smack dab in the middle of my quiet time!!
As I had been praying this for Taylor this morning, it seemed only fitting to also pray it over Maggie:
"For you, Sweet Maggie, are a holy people to the LORD your God, and THE LORD HAS CHOSEN YOU, Maggie, to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 14:2 NKJV)
Praying for all of you!!
Sister, you are covered in prayer! I'm so thankful that little Maggie has her mommy there now to comfort and protect her.
Dear Gwen - Oh my...all I can do is echo the same thoughts for your sweet girl and all that she has been through just breaks my heart too and I know it must yours. I cannot imagine how her little heart feels to know your love and the warmth of your hugs now...she soooo needed you to be her mommy!! The pictures of her smile are priceless. Enjoy all the newness of your daughter and we'll continue praying for God's healing in Maggie's heart and life. HUGS, Anita - COP Momma to Kaylin
What a sweet smile! I think she's happy to see you! So glad to hear that she's adjusting quickly to being an Oatsvall!!! Isn't technology wonderful to allow you & Maggie to "visit" with Scott halfway around the world?!?! Thanks for letting all of us share in your journey. You guys continue to be in our prayers.
Oh my eyes are filled with happy tears. I'm so incredibly happy for all of the Oatsvall's. This is fabulous and I can't wait for the rest of your gang to meet their new sweet love.
Oh, Gwen.... my heart is broken and yet is overflowing with gratitude and joy to Jesus for Maggie being safe with her Mommy now. You can already see the transformation in her. God will give her beauty for Ashes and the oil of joy for mourning. I am having a difficult time finding the words to convey what is in my heart. Please tell your beautiful, precious Maggie that she is oh, so loved by so many. You are both in my heart and my prayers. I will also be saying special prayers that the Lord will help all of us to forgive those who hurt the little children and for those who do so to either have their hearts changed or to no longer be in a position to harm the children any more.
God's peace...
We are covering you and Maggie in prayer! I am praying for healing for sweet Maggie....for her to feel completely safe in your arms. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I love her bandana...the cutest thing ever!
Oh Gwen, I know your heart is breaking for her but rejoicing that she is with you. It now is so clear why all of your paperwork and TA etc..came so quickly..she needed you to get there fast. It makes you wonder...the SWI workers seem to be showing concern for her screaming b/c she misses them or from fear?? Oh, so many unanswered questions but now she is safe with you and calling you, what a blessing. Glad Daddy got to "talk" with her and had her smiling. God is good ALL the time!! Enjoy your sweet beautiful girl..oh, love the scarf too : )
Came to you through Jamie at Dreaming Big. Naggie is a beauty! It sounds like she is warming up to you by the minute! Dora has some kind of magic about her doesn't she? My niece is crazy about her! I have been following your journey for a little while now! I will continue to pray for Maggie's transition. Shame on whoever allowed those boo boos :o(
oh my...I totally meant Maggie :o)
oh I am so thankful she has her mommy and daddy and her amazing brothers to protect her for the rest of her little life. She is just such a little angel. Give her a squeeze of love from me...
Wonderful news on her progress...bless her heart, she has been through so much. Now she you guys in her corner!
So glad to see a picture of her happy. She is so cute and I see her sad eyes becoming happy eyes. She is so blessed to have you as her mommy. No more suffering!!
If I didn't already want to adopt seeing her and what she has been through really makes me want to adopt or go run an orphanage over there. Who knows maybe that is God's plan for me. Whatever she has been through He will use it for His glory and to help other children. She is already glorify the father, you go Maggie girl!!
I am so happy for you and your family. Maggie is just precious. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Congratulations! Exactly 3 years and 1 day ago we were in the exact same room to get Maëlle.
I am so happy you have your daughter with you, safe. And that she's calling you Mamma and starting to smile and feel comfortable.
Enjoy the rest of the trip. Changsha is a great city.
Take care.
Oh Gwen, so glad your daughter is safe in your tender care! God will make the crooked... straight! And in Joel 2:25 He assures that He will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten away! We pray this for you and sweet Maggie. We pray for you so often as I think about you all through the day, May God multiply your physical and emotional strength. Kristi Hen.
Crying here for what sweet Maggie has endured in her little life.
I'm so greatful to God that she is in your family and will know what love is.
Please give Maggie (and you!) a gentle hug from Holly and Anna.
Take care...and be safe.
Can't stop thinking about and praying for you guys. At this point, I'm ready to hop on a plane and give someone in China a piece of my mind! She is a Chinese Cinderella Princess! God is great and he heals. Thank God she has a chance to experience his great love through you. I'm still angry, though! :)
Gwen, Thank you for keeping us right in the middle of your adventure with Maggie! Keep the pictures coming! I am so happy to see her smiling with you! And excited to hear that she has called you mommy. She has no idea the love that she's about to experience for the rest of her life. We will continue to pray for you and Maggie and your family too. With love, the Medlin's
Maggie is absolutly beautiful. Just looking at her face brings tears to my eyes. You are one lucky mom and she is one lucky girl. Praying for you...God does amazing things! :)
I keep coming back to look at her beautiful face... I can just imagine her loading and unloading her little backpack... Oh how I pray right now God totally heals her little heart and she has a new beginning now and all bad memories are wiped away forever more.
We are so happy for you and sweet Maggie! My cheeks are wet from reading how the Lord is transforming Maggie to feel loved and cared for. So excited to meet her when you return! you are all in our prayers!
What wonderful news that she is starting to warm up to you. She has the sweetest face & cant see how anyone could hurt her.
Praying for you and sweet Maggie.
I can't tell you what it means to me to see Maggie in YOUR arms. God has placed her in the family that was meant to be hers.......FOREVER. She will never have to endure another day of whatever she has been through. Praise the Lord! It is so precious to see her smile and looking at you, her Mommy. I want you to know that I have noticed in your pictures that you are always looking at her. It is obvious that you are totally in love with your precious daughter. I will continue to lift you all in prayers. There are so many praying for you and Maggie. Sending love and prayers your way!
I can hardly add anything new for what has already been said, but know that my heart is so full over here - God is just SO good to take a little one that has not known much positive in life and put her with you - a loving Dad and Mom that will shower her with Love. For all this little one has obviously been through - I pray, selfishly, that the rest of her life is sweet and full of love.